Aloys mini-case study

Creating the interface (app and a desktop dashboard) for a product that helps Alzheimer patients.

7 minutes read

UX/UI Designer
Nico Cardona and Albert Sangenis
App and dashboard design

What is Aloys

Aloys is a dosing system that helps mild Alzheimer's patients adhere to their treatments. It was designed for the final project of Nico and Albert, two engineering students of product design and industrial development. Although the product does not have a screen, the main idea was that it could be connected through an application, and that is why they contacted me.

The functions of the Aloys and its design were clear, but the engineers wanted it to be linked to technological products such as phones and computers so that its function could be improved.

The problem

The engineers wanted to be able to graphically present a solution that would help them explain the integration of Aloys with online applications in their thesis. To do that, I needed to build part of the interface.

Project limitations

One of the limitations was time, I had only 2 weeks to help them with the interface. In addition, I could not dedicate 100% of my day so I had to use the time optimally. Because they had done a lot of research and knew the environment of the product, I dared to help them. The application had to be very intuitive so that elderly people could use the application.

Roles and responsibilities

I was responsible for planning the different tasks and meetings that had to take place for me to achieve the result. They would help me in everything necessary and attend the meetings I assigned. Although most of the work was done by me, I couldn't have done the work without their help.

The process

First I had to plan the tasks so that the product was a success. Because I was short on time, I decided to focus on a few common practices that would give great results. I divided the process into:

1. Define the audience
2. Define functionalities
3. Define the structure
4. Interface design

1. Define the audience

The Aloys user was clear. It was an elderly person suffering from mild Alzheimer's. But the user of the applications that were linked to Aloys did not coincide with the user of it, so the first task was to define which users would use the digital solutions.
After discussing it with the engineers who had done a previous analysis, we defined 2 users related to Aloys:

1. Relatives of the patient
2. Patient's doctor

Once we knew the profile of the possible users of the digital solutions associated with Aloys, I created the user persona with the main characteristics to make a design centered on that user.

User persona based on a doctorUser persona based on a patient's son

2. Define functionalities

Once we knew the user to whom the product was addressed, we had to know what functions the product should have. For this we create user stories for each user:

Relative of the patient
As a relative of a person with Alzheimer's who uses aloys, I want to know if he has taken the medication so that I know he is following the medication plan.
As a relative of a person with Alzheimer's who uses aloys, I want to know how many pills are left in the Aloys so that I can schedule when I should go to recharge the pills.
As a relative of a person with Alzheimer's who uses aloys, I want to know when is the next take so that I can be sure that he can be on schedule.
As a relative of a person with Alzheimer's who uses aloys, I want to be able to contact the the doctor easily so that I can ask questions about the pills and the Aloys (and treatments) directly.
As a relative of a person with Alzheimer's who uses aloys, I want to know what is the battery % of the Aloys so that I can schedule when to replace it.
Patient's doctor
As a doctor with patients using Aloys, I want to know which patients are not taking the medication so that I can have control of my patients.
As a doctor with patients using Aloys, I want to be able to contact the relatives of my patient so that he is always safe.
As a doctor with patients using Aloys, I want to be able to check the history of the doses that the patient has taken.
As a doctor with patients using Aloys, I want to be able to know the information related to the Aloys so that I can monitorize the patient correctly.

Once we had the user stories, we each made a crazy 8 to see how we wanted to show the information on a screen (and what type of screen would best suit each product).

Crazy 8 from FelipeCrazy 8 from NicoCrazy 8 from Albert

We shared ideas and voted on the different solutions. We concluded that the solution for the patient's family member would be an app while the solution for the doctor would be a dashboard on the computer.

3. Define the structure

To know how the structure of the product was going to be, I made two sitemaps around the user stories.

Sitemap of the dashboardSitemap of the app

Once I knew the structure, we made the wireframes together in very low fidelity so that I could get started with the design.

Wireframe of the appWireframe of the dashboard

4. Interface design

Once I had all the information, I defined the graphic line with the colors we would use, the typography and the icons.

Style guide for Aloys

From here I started designing the screens. We decided that it would do all the screens of the app while in the dashboard only the main screen and the patient's profile were necessary.
This was the end result:

Dashboard UIDashboard UI
User profile screen on Aloys appSettings screen on Aloys appContact screen on Aloys appChat screen on Aloys app


Although it was a quick project and I had little time, this project taught me what it is like to work with people from other departments and how to manage timings when time is tight. With the screens, the engineering students were able to present their project successfully, showing how the app and the dashboard would be.

Aloys open in pieces

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